
First draft of nuclear ban treaty is now on the table

The first draft of the United Nations treaty to prohibit nuclear weapons was released in Geneva, Switzerland, on 22 May. Elayne Whyte Gómez, the Costa Rican ambassador who is presiding over negotiations of the historic accord, presented the text to diplomats and members of civil society, before answering questions from the media.

The draft was developed on the basis of discussions and input received during the first round of negotiations, held at the UN headquarters in New York from 27 to 31 March 2017, with the participation of 132 nations. The negotiations will resume on 15 June and continue until 7 July, with the draft as the basis.

WILPF, a steering group member of the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons (ICAN), welcomes the release of the draft text and expects further constructive debate on certain provisions as the process moves forward. WILPF will be campaigning with our civil society partners to ensure the strongest possible treaty.