Calendar of side events for the 2018 NPT Preparatory Committee
Calendar last updated: 24 April
Monday 23 April
08:00 | Now Pray Together: Short Interfaith Vigil to pray for progress at the NPT | Outside Pregny Gate | Christian Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament |
11:00-12:30 | Parliamentary action plan for a nuclear weapon-free world | Room XVI | PNND |
13:15-14:30 | Don't Bank on the Bomb | Room XVI | PAX |
13:15-14:30 | The European Union support for the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty (CTBT) and its Organisation | Room XI | The European Union and CTBTO |
15:00-17:00 | The new nuclear arms race and the NPT | Room XVI | Pugwash Conferences on Science and World Affairs |
Tuesday 24 April
08:00 | Now Pray Together: Short Interfaith Vigil to pray for progress at the NPT | Outside Pregny Gate | Christian Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament |
10:00-12:00 | The Trump nuclear doctrine: the Nuclear Posture Review’s threats to the NPT and humanity | Room XVI | Nuclear Age Peace Foundation |
13:15-14:45 | Bringing the nuclear-armed states into disarmament: perspectives from the UK | Room XVI | Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament |
13:15-14:30 | The report of the Group of Eminent Persons for Nuclear Disarmament | Assembly Hall | The Delegation of Japan to the CD |
13:15-14:30 | Negative Security Assurances to strengthen global non-proliferation and as practical steps towards Global Zero | Room XI | GCSP and the Permanent Mission of Germany |
13:15-14:30 | Panel discussion: Relevance of the NPT: Decalogue of NAM, the principles of Bandung" | Room V | The Permanent Mission of Venezuela to the UNOG |
15:00-17:00 | The Mutlangen Manifesto: a workshop | Room XVI | Friedenswerkstatt Mutlangen |
17:00-18:00 | UNIDIR briefing (closed meeting) | Room XVI | UNIDIR |
18:00-20:00 | A short film based on real voice of Nagasaki youth on nuclear issues, and message from Hibakusha | Room XVI | Nagasaki Youth Delegation |
Wednesday 25 April
08:00 | Now Pray Together: Short Interfaith Vigil to pray for progress at the NPT | Outside Pregny Gate | Christian Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament |
08:30-10:00 | Women in the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty | Room XI | The Permanent Mission of Australia to the UNOG with Canada, Sweden and Netherlands |
13:15-14:45 | Bridging the gap: the CTBT | Room XVI | CTBTO and Pugwash Conferences on Science and World Affairs |
13:15-14:45 | Identifying concrete steps to move forward nuclear disarmament | Room XXVII | Hirsohima Prefecture, UNIDIR, and SIPRI |
13:15-14:30 | Moving onwards from PrepCom I | Room XI | Netherlands |
13:15-14:30 | The U.S. Nuclear Posture Review | Room XXV | United States Department of State |
13:15-14:30 | Panel discussion: Relevance of the NPT: Decalogue of NAM, the Principles of Bandung | Room V | Permanent Mission of Venezuela to the UNOG |
15:00-17:00 | Reducing rising nuclear risks | Room XVI | People for Nuclear Disarmament |
18:00-20:00 | Panel discussion on the nexus between the nuclear weapons ban treaty and Article VI of the Non-Proliferation Treaty | Maison de la Paix, Room A2 |
PEAC Institute, Nuclear Age Peace Foundation, Amplify, PAX, and IHEID Junior Diplomat Initiative |
Thursday 26 April
08:00 | Now Pray Together: Short Interfaith Vigil to pray for progress at the NPT | Outside Pregny Gate | Christian Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament |
08:00-13:00 | Mayors for Peace Youth Forum | Room XVI | Mayors for Peace |
13:15-14:45 | Achieving the possible - a WMDFZ in the Middle East | Room XVI | GCSP, APOME, and FES |
13:15-14:30 | Transparency and confidence building in the context of a Fissile Material Cut-off Treaty | Room V | The Permanent Mission of Canada to UNOG |
13:15-14:30 | Concepts and methods for nuclear disarmament verification: The QUAD/LETTERPRESS multilateral arms reduction exercise between NWS and NNWS | Room XI | United Kingdom (FCO), U.S. (State Department), Norway (MFA), and Sweden (MFA) |
13:15-14:30 | Humanitarian consequences of nuclear weapons | Room VIII | Permanent Mission of Austria |
17:00-18:00 | International cooperation combatting nuclear terrorism | Room XI | Permanent Mission of Finland |
Friday 27 April
08:00 | Now Pray Together: Short Interfaith Vigil to pray for progress at the NPT | Outside Pregny Gate | Christian Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament |
11:30-12:30 | Meeting Michiko Kodama, a Hiroshima survivor (organized for German students, others are welcome) |
Room XVI | Abrüstung und Friedensjournalismus |
13:00-14:45 | Practical aspects of nuclear disarmament verification | Room VIII | UNIDIR |
13:15-14:45 | Nuclear weapons in Europe | Room XVI | International Peace Bureau |
13:15-14:30 | Strengthening the NPT Review Process by Enhancing Transparency | Room XI | The Non-Proliferation and Disarmament Initiative |
13:15-14:30 | The International Partnership for Nuclear Disarmament Verification | Room V | Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Sweden, United States Department of State, and Nuclear Threat Initiative |
15:00-18:00 | Youth presents: inheritance of memory to all human beings | Room XVI | Nagasaki Youth Delegation |
Saturday 28 April
09:00-17:00 | Abolition 2000 annual general meeting | Maison des Associations, rue des Savoises 15, 1205 | Abolition 2000 |
Monday 30 April
10:00-13:00 | Next steps towards nuclear disarmament (simulated negotiations) | Room XVI | INESAP |
13:15-14:45 | Government briefing: Ambassador Adam Bugajski, the Chair of 2018 NPT PrepCom (for civil society only) | Room X | WILPF |
13:15-14:45 | Nuclear weapon free zone or zone free from weapons of mass destruction? | Room XVI | International Peace Bureau, Parliamentarians for Nuclear Non-proliferation and Disarmament |
13:15-14:30 | The Additional Protocol as the Universal Safeguards Standard | Room XI | United States Department of State |
13:15-14:30 | NPT addressing the North Korean nuclear challenge | Room XII | France, Germany, the Republic of Korea, and United Kingdom |
15:00-18:00 | Next steps towards nuclear disarmament (simulated negotiations) | Room XVI | INESAP |
Tuesday 1 May
10:00-13:00 | Next steps towards nuclear disarmament (simulated negotiations) | Room XVI | INESAP |
13:15-14:45 | Nuclear weapons and the law on human rights and future generations | Room XVI | Basel Peace Office and IALANA |
13:15-14:30 | Middle East Zone Free of Weapons of Mass Destruction | Room XII | Permanent Mission of Ireland |
13:15-14:30 | Nuclear safety as a key element for the peaceful use of nuclear energy | Room XI | The Swiss Federal Safety Inspectorate (ENSI) |
15:00-18:00 | Next steps towards nuclear disarmament (simulated negotiations) | Room XVI | INESAP |
Wednesday 2 May
10:00-10:45 | Government briefing: Ambassador Grossi, Argentina (for civil society only) |
Room XVI | WILPF |
11:30-13:00 | Voices from the second generation of A-bomb survivors of Hiroshima & Nagasaki: nuclear disarmament and human rights | Room XVI | Japanese Liaison Council of Second-Generation Atomic Bomb Survivors |
13:15-14:30 | Benefits of the NPT - International cooperation in dealing with radioactive sources | Room VII | The European Union |
13:15-14:30 | Nuclear arms control at a dead end? Possible next steps for the INF and New START | Room XI | German Federal Foreign Office and Deep Cuts Commission |
13:15-14:30 | Preventing nuclear use: the roles of the NPT, TPNW, security assurances and NWFZ | Room I | The Permanent Mission of South Africa |
15:00-16:30 | Sliding into chaos: Resurgent nationalisms and the dangers of war among nuclear armed states | Room XVI | Western States Legal Foundation |
16:30-18:00 | The roots of disarmament: Social movements in the global South, the Treaty of Tlatelolco and the path to the ban treaty | Room XVI | Western States Legal Foundation |
Thursday 3 May
09:00-10:00 | Progressive disarmament measures to prevent a new arms race | Room XVI | Arms Control Association and the Permanent Mission of Ireland |
11:00-12:30 | Lessons learned from the CTBT and NWFZs: A blueprint for stability on the Korean Peninsula | Room XVI | CNS |
13:15-14:30 | HEU minimisation in civilian application - a permanent threat reduction | Room XI | Permanent Mission of the Netherlands |
13:15-14:30 | Cooperation between Nuclear Weapon Free Zones: History, Challenges, and Recommendations | Room VIII | Permanent Mission of Kazakhstan |
13:15-14:30 | Nuclear Weapons and Environmental Law | Room I | Permanent Mission of Ireland |
Friday 4 May
13:15-14:45 | Working methods in disarmament diplomacy (part 3): Preparatory processes | Room XVI | Geneva Disarmament Platform |
13:15-14:30 | Nuclear disarmament verification: Prospects for the upcoming Group of Governmental Experts | Room XII | Mission of Norway and Office of Disarmament Affairs |