
Calendar of Events for First Committee 2012

All requests for the use of United Nations premises should be either sponsored by a Permanent or Observer Mission to the United Nations or by departments or offices of the United Nations. Please fill out the side event request form and email it to kim12[at]un.org. To have your event added to this calendar, please email info[at]reachingcriticalwill.org.

Calendar last updated 23 October 2012

 When  What  Where  Contact
Thursday, 11 October 13:15-14:30 Nuclear disarmament: its future in the CD Conference Room 1
North Lawn Building
Tim Caughley
Thursday, 11 October
Strategy session on a nuclear weapons convention Bahai Center
866 UN Plaza, Ground Floor
Abolition 2000
Alyn Ware
Monday, 15 October
Fifty Years After the Cuban Missile Crisis: Next Steps on Nuclear Disarmament and Nonproliferation Conference Room 1
North Lawn Building
Arms Control Association
Tom Collina
Please RSVP by 12 October
Wednesday, 17 October
The importance and possibilities of establishing a WMD Free Zone in the Middle East Church Center
777 UN Plaza
Hardin Room, 11th Floor
NGO Committee on Disarmament, Peace and Security
Marie-Capucine Goube
Wednesday, 17 October
Finishing the job: delivering a bullet-proof arms trade treaty Conference Room E
North Lawn Building
Permanent Missions of Trinidad and Tobago and Mexico to the UN; Control Arms Campaign
Kate Hughes
Wednesday, 17 October
De-alerting Conference Room A
North Lawn Building
Permanent Mission of Switzerland to the UN
Frederic Tissot
Thursday, 18 October
Accountability for nuclear disarmament Conference Room 1
North Lawn Building
Project Ploughshares
Cesar Jaramillo
Thursday, 18 October
The future of space security: framing the development of TCBMs in multilateral fora Conference Room A
North Lawn Building
Tae Takahashi
Thursday, 18 October
Event on depleted uranium issues Church Center
777 UN Plaza, 10th Floor
International Campaign to Ban Uranium Weapons
Isabel Macdonald
Friday, 19 October
Hiroshima Nagasaki Download: Memories from the Americas - learning from others Conference Room A
North Lawn Building
UN Office for Disarmament Affairs
Soo-hyun Kim
Monday, 22 October
Breaking the nuclear chain: from victim to actor Beekman Tower Hotel Ballroom IKV Pax Christi, GPPAC, Peace Boat US
Alexandra Hiniker
Tuesday, 23 October
Humanitarian consequences of nuclear weapons, an imperative to act Conference Room 7
North Lawn Building
Permanent Mission of Switzerland to the UN and ICAN
Frederic Tissot
Wednesday, 24 October
Helsinki and beyond: the hopes and expectations of civil society Conference Room 1
North Lawn Building
Permanent Mission of Ireland to the UN; Acronym Institute for Disarmament Diplomacy; IKV Pax Christi; Israeli Disarmament Movement
Sharon Dolev
Thursday, 25 October
Effective use of information to empower/ influence disarmament and non-proliferation efforts Conference Room A
North Lawn Building
Permanent Mission of Japan to the UN and Friedrich Ebert Stiftung
Toru Nagashima
Saturday, 27 October
Outlawing nuclear weapons: time for a new treaty? Fordham University Law School
Room 302
American Branch, International Law Associatiation
John Kim