Tenth Conference of States Parties to the Arms Trade Treaty (CSP10)
The Tenth Conference of States Parties (CSP10) to the Arms Trade Treaty (ATT) was held on 19–23 August 2024 in Geneva, Switzerland. The ATT Working Groups meetings took place in Geneva from 20–23 February 2024, and the CSP10 Informal Preparatory Meeting from 16–17 May 2024. Subscribe to our Arms Trade Treaty mailing list to receive our reports.
RCW and partner resources
- RCW's ATT Monitor from CSP10
- RCW's ATT Monitor from the CSP10 preparatory process
- RCW Briefing Paper to ATT Delegations on Arms Transfers to Israel
- UCLA Promise Institute's Briefing Paper to ATT Delegations Regarding Environmental Destruction as War Crimes in the Situation in Gaza
- WILPF Statement to the Sub-Working Group on Current and Emerging Implementation Issues
Conference resources