First Conference of States Parties for the Arms Trade Treaty
The first Conference of States Parties (CSP1) for the Arms Trade Treaty (ATT) was held in Cancun, Mexico from 24 to 27 August 2015. In the lead up to CSP1, a series of preparatory meetings were held to discuss some of the crucial administrative and financial modalities of the Treaty and it's conferences.
Calendar of events
When | What | Where | Who |
Monday, 24 August
14:15 |
adjacent room to Plenary
Mexico and International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC)
Monday, 24 August
Room 1
Research Network SaferGlobe and Finland
Monday, 24 August
Contrôle des transferts d’armes en Afrique subsaharienne – Leçons pour la mise en œuvre du TCA/ Arms Transfer Control in French-speaking countries – Lessons learned for the implementation of the ATT
Room 2
Groupe de Recherche et Information de la Paix (GRIP) and France
Tuesday, 25 August
ATT. Human Rights and Arms Transfers Control
Room 1
Arias Foundation (Costa Rica), APP (Argentina), Centro de Estudios Ecuménicos (México), ICED (Dominican Republic), Project Ploughshares (Canada), WINAD (Trinidad &Tobago), CDRAV (Caribbean), CLAVE (Latin America), SEHLAC (Latin America and the Caribbean)
Tuesday, 25 August
Applying the Arms Trade Treaty for the protection of international security and human rights
Room 2
Amnesty International
Tuesday, 25 August
Room 1
United Nations Institute for Disarmament (UNIDIR)
Tuesday, 25 August
Mexico, Belgium and the United Kingdom
Wednesday, 26 August
Room 1
Control Arms and Australia, Ireland, Mexico, Netherlands, Norway, and Trinidad & Tobago
Wednesday, 26 August
Articles 6 & 9 and the regime of innocent passage
Room 1
Wednesday, 26 August
Room 2
Oxfam International, Control Arms and Nigeria
Thursday, 27 August
Lessons learned from the ATT-Baseline Assessment Project | Room 2 | Stimson Center |