Extraordinary Meeting of the Arms Trade Treaty
On 29 February 2016, ATT states parties and signatories met in Geneva to adopt administrative arragenments for the ATT Secretariat, budgets for the Secretariat and Second Conference of States Parties, and a Secretariat structure.
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RCW's report on the extraordinary meeting
- Agenda for the extraordinary meeting
- Draft annotated provisional Agenda
- Intersessional programme of work
- Draft Proposed arrangements for the ATT Secretariat
- Revised Draft Proposed arrangements for the ATT Secretariat
- Further revised draft Proposed arrangements for the ATT Secretariat
- Draft HQ Agreement
- Draft Agreement on administrative arrangements
- Communication from the facilitator
- Provisional Initial Report
- Provisional Annual Report
- Proposed terms of reference for further work on reporting templates
- President of CSP2, Ambassador Emmanuel E. Imohe of Nigeria
- Mexico
- Control Arms
- United States
- President of CSP2, Ambassador Emmanuel E. Imohe of Nigeria
Agenda item 2: condideration for adoption: a proposal for the administrative arrangements of the Secretariat
- Vice-President, Finland
- Switzerland
- Mexico
- European Union
- Dominican Republic
- Control Arms
- Sweden
- Australia
- Costa Rica
- New Zealand
- Germany
- United Kingdom
- Czech Republic
- Côte d’Ivoire
- Italy
- Peru
- Brazil
- Nigeria
- Vice-President, Finland
- Switzerland
Agenda item 4: consideration for adoption: a proposal of the structure of the Secretariat, inlcuding the confirmation of staff positions
- Vice-President, Montenegro
- Mexico
- Finland
- United Kingdom
- New Zealand
- Sweden
- South Africa
- Nigeria
- Italy
- Norway
- Peru
- Nigeria
- United States
- Côte d'Ivoire
- Vice-President, Montenegro
Agenda item 3: consideration for adoption: revised budgets for the Secretariat and second session of the Conference, inlcuding a cost estimate of the CSP2
- President of CSP2, Ambassador Emmanuel E. Imohe of Nigeria
- Mexico
- Peru
- United States
- President of CSP2, Ambassador Emmanuel E. Imohe of Nigeria
- United Kingdom
- Norway
- President of CSP2, Ambassador Emmanuel E. Imohe of Nigeria
- Finland
- President of CSP2, Ambassador Emmanuel E. Imohe of Nigeria
- Mexico
- President of CSP2, Ambassador Emmanuel E. Imohe of Nigeria
- Finland
- President of CSP2, Ambassador Emmanuel E. Imohe of Nigeria
- New Zealand
- Japan
- Sweden
- United Kingdom
- President of CSP2, Ambassador Emmanuel E. Imohe of Nigeria
- United States
- President of CSP2, Ambassador Emmanuel E. Imohe of Nigeria
- Sweden
- Costa Rica
Reports from informal consulations on Agenda items 2 and 4:
- Vice-President, Finland
- Vice-President, Montenegro
Any other business
- President of CSP2, Ambassador Emmanuel E. Imohe of Nigeria
- Sweden
- President of CSP2, Ambassador Emmanuel E. Imohe of Nigeria
- United Kingdom
- Matters pertaining to the operationalisation of the infromal working group on reporting, Ambassador Paul Beijer of Sweden
- El Salvador
- President of CSP2, Ambassador Emmanuel E. Imohe of Nigeria
- Netherlands
- Switzerland
- Germany
- France
- Lithuania
- Belgium
- Australia
- Mexico
- Control Arms
- Sweden
- President of CSP2, Ambassador Emmanuel E. Imohe of Nigeria
- France
- Mexico
- United States
- President of CSP2, Ambassador Emmanuel E. Imohe of Nigeria
- Sweden